Copyright © 2023 Land Steward, LLC
The BCNWR is managed by the USFWS and consists of more than 25,000 acres. Endangered species include the Golden-cheeked Warbler and Black-capped Video. Project completed in the late 1990s while working with J. Robert Anderson, FASLA and the USFWS.
The first project included developing a plan for the new Shin Oak Bird Observation Deck structure, parking, and access. We designed the deck using a vernacular design that incorporated limestone and mountain cedars to help the deck blend in with the surrounding endangered species habitat. The second project developed a 3.7 mile interpertive trail, education areas, a low-impact parking area, and entry gate for Doeskin Ranch natural area. We continued the vernacular limestone and mountain cedar theme.

photo by Brad James

photo by Texas Master Naturalists
photo by Gil Eckrich