Copyright © 2023 Land Steward, LLC
In 2021, the Zilker Vision Plan proposed increasing the amount of new nature areas by about 45 acres. Land Steward was tasked by Save Our Springs Alliance to determine if that number could be increased.
We began the process with an extensive site analysis to map and record the vegetation cover, ecological habitat zones, depth to paralithic bedrock, soil types and health, and erosion. Emergent, indicator species in mowed areas provided clues to what the vegetation cover could be. For an old landfill Land Steward promoted phytoremediation as a less-costly, more sustainable cut-and-fill alternative to reestablish riparian, floodplain forest.
The plan recommended at least 75 new natural areas that would include reduced mowing and a wider riparian buffer to mitigate severe riverbank erosion, tree pedestaling, and enhance water quality
Urban rewilding (a form of natural regeneration) was strongly recommeneded as the most sustainable and cost-effective process to re-establish these natural areas.